C.O.N.N.E.C.T Ministries is a Christ centered “hands-on” community information networking resource center. We began our ministry in 2006 as a part of community outreach of Greater Warner Tabernacle A.M.E. Zion Church in our efforts to reach our community for the Kingdom of God. We became an independent 501 (c) (3) in 2008. This non-profit organization provides in-house services, network referrals, dissemination of information, “gap” programming, community organization, resumes, job readiness, employment searches, housing services and referrals for individuals who need help finding help. We advocate for the underserved, undereducated, underemployed and underrepresented who include the disadvantaged youth, the homeless, ex-offenders, and veterans.
Our approach is holistic, mind, body and spirit. We encourage cooperation, accountability and purpose in the community between our citizens, public servants, service providers, employers, non-profits and religious organizations. We mentor, refer, counsel, advocate and pray for our community as we “Build Relational Equity.” We exist to enhance the quality of life of the people we serve.